Need your tiled floors professionally restored, cleaned & sealed? Not sure how to go about it?

Looks Great! That’s the reaction we aim to achieve from you the customer when we have completed a tile restoration.

Based near Wolverhampton, we offer you a professional service covering the black country, north Birmingham & surrounding areas.

  • Years of experience restoring Victorian tiled hallways
  • Experts in reviving natural stone floors
  • Professional cleaning & sealing on all types of tiles, grout & stone

Our aim is to get your tiles, grout & stone floors looking as great as possible again!

About Looks Great! Tile Clean & Seal

Our aim is to restore your tiled & natural stone floors and get them looking revitalised as they can realistically be. Click on services to see all the different types of tile cleaning & services we offer.

I have many years of achieving this with looks great, I am also the tile doctor for Birmingham so have lots of experience. After your initial enquiry I will advise on processes required to carry out the work and approx. Costs. If you’re happy to progress I will arrange to visit and do a free test clean where I can give advice and firm up the quote.

How the process works

After the initial enquiry from you, we will ask for photos (whatsapp or email) any info you have such as size, defects etc. We will then advise on an estimated cost, if you are still interested at this point we will arrange to visit and do a test clean and firm up the quote.

Usually, any restoration will be carried out a day or two before cleaning. We will then remove any existing sealant, paint, adhesives, dirt etc. We have a wide range of techniques to do this to ensure that your floor is not damaged by the process. Relevant solution(s) are then applied to the floor. The solution is then left to dwell for a period.